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McGill FamSIG Events

McGill FamSIG Events

The Family Medecine Student Interest Group (FamSIG) is run by McGill medical students with a special interest in Family Medicine.

Last September 6th took place our first event of the year at Thomson House. Around forty McGill medical students from Med-Ps to Med-4s came together to enjoy free beer and pizza with Family Medicine residents. During the event, FamSIG members explained what the group was about and what to expect for future events. Students were invited to get involved in the group if they had a particular interest in Family Medicine.

We had the chance to welcome four Family Medicine residents (one R1 and three R2s) who spoke about their backgrounds, experiences and diverse clinical practices. They each explained the reasons what they chose family medicine as a career and promoted the greatness of this specialty! Students had the opportunity to ask questions about family medicine and the group in general. The event was a great success as it generated interest in FamSIG among students!

Beer and Pizza with Family Medicine residents

MSS Clubs Day
On September 12th, McGill hosted Clubs Day where MSS Clubs showcased their activities and recruited new members. FamSIG was able to recruit several new members and many manifested their interest to become actively involved in the group throughout the year.

Upcoming Events (tentative dates)

  1. November 28 or 29th: Different Facets of Family Medicine (time and place to be confirmed)
  2. After Christmas, there will be a prevention day (workshops on common diseases seen in family medicine such as diabetes and hypertension). More details to come!
  3. February: Information session about rotations in rural family medicine.
  4. March: Post-match talk.
  5. April: Skill’s day.
  6. May: Speed-dining with docs.
  7. May-June: Rural trip.

If you will like to have more information on these events, visit our Facebook group page.

If you have any questions or comments or if you want to join the team, do not hesitate to contact us.

Carolina Capelle,
McGill University

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