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McGill FamSIG Events

McGill FamSIG Events

Skills day : Points de suture

The Family Medecine Student Interest Group (FamSIG) is run by McGill medical students with a special interest in Family Medicine. Several events took place during the year and there was always a high demand from the students’ part illustrating the interest solicited by Family Medicine. The future of this great specialty seems encouraging! These are the activities organized by the group and the events to come for this upcoming year. Enjoy!


L’équipe du FamSIG

Skills Day
On April 15th, FamSIG organized a Skills Day where 44 students had the chance to go through five stations to practice their skills in suturing, vaginal deliveries, radiography, neuro and musculoskeletal exams with the help of Family Medicine residents from McGill. Due to the high demand and satisfaction of participants, this activity will come back next year!

Carolina Capelle
Fourth year medical student at McGill

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