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McGill FamSIG

McGill FamSIG

GIMFThe Family Medecine Student Interest Group (FamSIG) is run by McGill medical students with a special interest in Family Medicine. To finish off the year 2012, FamSIG organized several events that were a success!

CaRMS 101 Talk
On Wednesday October 24th 2012, FaMSIG hosted the CaRMS 101 Talk at Thomson House. Around twenty McGill medical students, mostly Med-3s and Med-4s, attended this event. We had the chance to welcome three Family Medicine residents (two R1s and one R2) and the McGill Family Medicine Residency Program Director, Dr. Douglass Dalton.

The residents gladly described their experience with the CaRMS process and offered tips and tricks from the application to interviews while Dr. Dalton went over some formal details about the whole process with his usual sense of humour! Students had the opportunity to ask questions about family medicine and the group in general. Not only did they enjoy the sushi offered, but they also found the event informative and useful.

Military Medicine Talk
On Thursday November 1st 2012, FamSIG and EMIG (Emergency Medicine interest Group) joined to welcome Major Dauphin at Thomson House to hear him speak about his experience in military medicine. He is a family physician with special training in critical care. Approximately thirty students attended and were pleasantly surprised to hear his stories as he was recently deployed to Afghanistan where he served as chief of a medical base. He spoke about the logistics of practicing medicine in hostile territories.

Lebanese food for supper at the Practicing Medicine A Unique Perspective talk

Lebanese food for supper at the Practicing Medicine A Unique Perspective talk

Practicing Medicine: A Unique Perspective
Last November 28th 2012, FamSIG welcomed Dr. Boillat and Dr. Lajeunesse-Viens at the Lady Meredith Annex who spoke about how they have customized their practices to fit their needs and interests. Dr. Boillat is a family physician who does home care in addition to her office work while Dr. Lajeunesse-Viens works as a consultant in psychiatry at the emergency of Sacred Heart Hospital. Around twenty students attended this event and enjoyed Lebanese food while learning about these family physicians’ unique perspectives on family medicine.

Upcoming Events (tentative dates)

February: Information session about rotations in rural family medicine.
March: Post-match talk.
April: Skills’ day.
May: Speed-dining with docs.
May-June: Rural trip.

If you will like to have more information on these events, visit our Facebook group page.

If you have any questions or comments or if you want to join the team, do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy New Year!

equipe-Caroline-signatureCarolina Capelle
McGill University


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